
Christian barbé


I was born in Deauville (France) in 1970.

 I currently work and live between Madagascar and Paris.After studying philosophy, I completed several internships in a professional laboratory development where I learn the essentials of photographic technique.

 My learning continues in various photographic studios in Paris where I discovered the profession of portrait painter.

Begin the adventure, I decide to link photography and reportage. In 2015, hired by the Malagasy daily La Tribune de Diego, I produced many series, in particular on the “psychiatric asylums of Madagascar”. Take the path of emotion, to succeed in capturing the moment of a meeting.

An emotion that I try to share through clean photos.

In poetic form.

Each photo translates beyond words what is most remarkable in everyday life.

2008 : Selected for the international biennial of the image of Nancy sponsored by Willy Ronis 

2015 /2017 : Photographer reporter in the newspaper La tribune de Diego in Madagascar

2018 : 3rd prize at the Annecy Lac Photo Festival 2018 for the series “Altruism of a destitute population in front of mental illness” in Madagascar

2018 : Photographer for the association “clowns without borders” in Madagascar

2019 : Selected for the 2019 festival “l’Emoi photographique” in Angoulème.

2019 : Selected by the Dapper Foundation for the 12th edition of “regards sur cours” on the island of Gorée in Senegal on the theme “against winds and tides”.

2019 :  Selected among the finalists for the Roger Pic award and the FIBA 2019 photographic competition.  

2020 : Selected 10th biennial of Maison Laffitte on the theme “scene of life”

2021 : Selected for the festival Errances Photographique de Nontron series « les tableaux ambulants »

2022 :Winner of the Saint Tropez 2022 Photo Grand Prix “The world of childhood” for the auction in aid of Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

2022: Selected for the 5th edition of the Rabat Photographic Encounters on the theme “Mother Earth” with the serie “Madagascar, men and trees”.

2022: Exhibition at the United Nations General Assembly Gallery in New York on climate change (finalist for the Photography 4 Humanity 2022 global award)

2023 : Selected ALP Festival of Annecy Lac Photo 2023 for the serie “La rage du cyclone Batsirai Madagascar 2022”

2023 : Selected for the 6th edition of the Rabat Photographic Encounters on the theme “Resilience” with the series “ The unthinkable rage to exist”.

2024: Selected for the 2024 festival “l’Emoi photographique” in Angoulème on the theme “And tomorrow? with the series “Ukraine: culture in a cocoon”

2024: Selected for the Guilvinec Man and the Sea photo festival with the series “Les chineurs des mers” (“Sea hunters”)

2024: Selected for the 23rd edition of the BarrObjectif 2024 reportage festival with the series ‘Ghana: pollution of destitution, pollution of abundance’.

2025: Selected for the 10th Festival des Azimutés d’Uzès with the series “Pollution in Ghana”.
